Fragged Empire Protagonist Archive Pdf Download

Yay, we're Funded!!!! +Playtest +Our Lead 2 Artists; Clonerh Kimura and Mateusz Mizak
over 2 years ago – Wed, Jul 24, 2019 at 01:31:40 PM

Yay!!!! Thanks so much everyone, this means so much to me :D

Fragged Regions was always an ambitious project; 3 books all at once, largest campaign goal that I have ever set, and in some ways these books are an 'expansion for an expansion (ie: in regards to Kingdom and Aeternum).

But we did it!!! Now these 3 books will completed!!


For those of you who are SUPER keen to playtest the additional rules from these new books, feel free to send me a private message as soon as the campaign has ended and I will send you the files.

  • Those who provide valuable feedback will have their names credited in the back of the book(s).

Our Lead 2 Artists: Clonerh Kimura and Mateusz Mizak

I also want to give a special shout out to our 2 lead artists, they have done an AMAZING job on these new books. Please show them some love on social media, I know they would love to meet more Fragged fans :D

  • Clonerh's Facebook page.
  • Mateusz's Facebook page.

Clonerh has been with Fragged from the very beginning and it has been a please to watch his artistic skills grow alongside this project. Clonerh is a truly special artist, and is responsible for Fragged's most iconic images and character designs. Recently he posted up this very touching note about working on Rachel Swagger:

"The image on the left was the first image I did of Rachel Swagger of Fragged Empire, this was almost 6 years ago! Actually this was the first image I did for the project, back then I  had almost non experience as illustrator and I was very insecure with my  skills and I was unable to paint a background properly, now the things  are not very different but I least I am having a lot of fun."

The continent of Spur has a LOT of fungi.
The continent of Spur has a LOT of fungi.
Tolatl pirate and his dangerous pet.
Tolatl pirate and his dangerous pet.
Dont mess with mum!
Dont mess with mum!
WIP Sket, Kaltoran Rogue
WIP Sket, Kaltoran Rogue

Mateusz was a new addition to the Fragged team, debuting his work as the lead artists for Fragged Aeternum. Mateusz is a master artist - able to breath feeling into every scene and character.

Drachengier watches a District burn.
Drachengier watches a District burn.
The Scarsbourne River hides many secrets and dangers... and giant shark monsters :P
The Scarsbourne River hides many secrets and dangers... and giant shark monsters :P
Gobblers are a new type of Fiend... they spawn when the bodies of dead Fiends mix with dark ambient magic.
Gobblers are a new type of Fiend... they spawn when the bodies of dead Fiends mix with dark ambient magic.

Discord Hangout, Unveiling our first Stretch Goal, FK: Holding Guide, Store Sale.
over 2 years ago – Sat, Jul 20, 2019 at 05:11:23 AM

**For the next hour I will be hanging out on the Fragged Discord Channel, feel free to come by and say hi!**

G'day all!

As I'm sure you all know, we are now in the final week of this Kickstarter and it is time for that big final push to get funded... and possibly reach a few stretch goals :D

$60k Stretch Goal: A Fragged Empire Novel, 'Lessons from the Past'.

As we're getting close to our funding goal, I think its time to unveil our first Stretch Goal: a full Fragged Empire novel! My wife and I had the joy of reading this novel a couple of months ago (it's going through another round of editing at the moment) by my talented friend Frank Kevee (Facebook link), and we both thought it was fantastic :)

  • Every eligible backer will receive a PDF copy of this novel once we reach $60k.
  • Frank hopes to release POD versions at a later date.

"Olivia Chalmers is a beautiful Corporate citizen, raised by her father to be a ruthless treasure-hunter. Recovering lost technologies and negotiating with criminals is all in a days work for her. The only problem is, now she wants more ...

She steals Mokla'Thaotic^bo, a snake-like creature genetically designed to be able to eat brains and steal memories; or even take over a body. Olivia then sets out to find a great prize left by the Archons, the ancient rulers of the universe, now destroyed.

What follows is a wild flight across the Haven star systems where Olivia encounters threats ranging from ruthless kidnappers, scheming mercenary forces as well as deadly traps and creatures. However, she also finds help in an unlikely friend."

FK Holding Guide

Over the past few days I've also been busy adding a new Holding Guide section to the Fragged Kingdom book. While this section is small, I think it will go a LONG way to helping GMs and PCs see the potential for Holdings to add a new layer of interest to their campaigns... even if they're not front a center.

This new section gives 3 examples of how holdings can be used in your game:

  • Village Guardians (the PC take on the role of skilled but  mundane members of a village, and help to secure the village from nearby giant Wylding slugs).
  • Private Castle (wealthy PCs have built their own private castle that they can return to after they have spent weeks/months exploring distant lands and fighting monsters).
  • Nation Building (take on the role  of important political figures - lords/ladies, military general, high  priest, master assassin, etc... and build up their own private province).
  • You can download a PDF draft of this section right now!

Fragged Sale

As most of your know, I'm also running a sale on many existing Fragged products for the duration of this Kickstarter. This is a good time to grab some goodies while stocks last (and I really do mean 'while stocks last' as I'm running VERY low on Core Rule Books + a few other products that will not be reprinted).

  •  Australian store.
  •  USA store.
  •  UK/World-wide Modiphius store.
  •  PDF DriveThruRPG store (be sure to check this store, as I have many PDF Only products).

Actual Play

I also want to take the opportunity to give a small plug to those Podcast and YouTube channels that have been running some awesome Actual Play sessions of Fragged.

  •  Ozasuke (YouTube, he is also very active on the Fragged Discord channel).
  •  Paper Worlds (Podcast, I have listened to most of their episodes, they have FANTASTIC group chemistry... lots of funny moments!).
  •  Sky Hammer Press (Podcast, I did a small interview with them before session 1, and they run through the free Ghost Ship Carthage adventure *spoiler warning* if you have not gone through that adventure).

Community Q&A
over 2 years ago – Fri, Jul 19, 2019 at 01:27:21 PM

G'day all.

For this update we're going to do something a little different, we're going to do a Q&A :) A few days ago I started to gather questions from the Fragged community, and below are my answers. This is a loooong post, but if you have more questions; please feel free to post them in the comments to this Update!

Fragged Empire

Q: How to you develop the aesthetics for your Fragged Empire races?

  • My process has been rather straight forward for most of the FE races. I send briefs to my artists (which include a bunch of inspiration images) and a few key points that connect to their lore; ie: the Legion are a strong war-like race, so they needed to have muscles/bulk. I try to give my artists as much flexibility as I can.
  • My artist and I then go back and forth a few times until we feel like we have the look locked down. This part of the process can take longer for more original races (ie: the Nephilim), but it gets easier as more artwork is produces - as the artist gain a library of inspiration images.
  • Below is some exploratory work that we did on the Oni (I liked there existing art in the Protagonist Archive, but I felt like it could be improved upon a little).

Q: The pointed ears on the Kaltorans make people think "elves in space," but that's where the similarities end IMO. Was it a conscious decision to evoke and then subvert that?

  • Yea, elves are such a well-established fictional race that people automatically assume 'fair skin + pointed ears = elf". But I think most people can get past this rather quickly once they read up on the lore.
  • I really didn't want people to think this when they saw the Kaltorans, but it still happens. The dread-locks and 4 ears does help to make them look a little more original.

Q: What was the impetus to redo the drone/companion rules as minion weapons? Do they differ significantly?

  • The default Drone/Companions rules in the CRB have a scaling issue IMO. There is a sweet spot for medium Leveled characters, but they're often too expensive for low Level characters (due to the need to pay Resources for a Weapon that only makes 1 Attack per Turn), and too powerful for high Level characters (as each one effectively gives you a free Attack Action each Turn).
  • My new Minion rules are simpler (they come with built in weapons) and scale far better IMO; as they are limited to 1 per character (though, this could be a Group of Minions) and may Attack 'instead' of the player (so they can Attack twice per Turn if the PCs attacks zero times per Turn).
  • This new approach allows for Minion-based characters to be an effective (and balanced) choice at low and high Levels.

Q: Why a setting without humans?

  • To make it feel a little more fresh.
  • To allow me (and people who play Fragged) to go nuts with cultural conflicts/tensions and scientific/philosophical consequences without touching on sensitive real-world issues. A little like classic Star Trek.

Q: The loot system has evolved quite comely, especially in FK and FA but in FE is pretty nebulous, especially Research. Will there be an overhaul of the advancement system in FE?

  • Yes, I'm rather happy with my improvements to clarity of the advancement systems in FK and FA. When I eventually get around to doing a 2nd Edition of FE it will will continue to improve things with ever-increasing clarity and intuitive nuance.

Q: Some races are better represented than others across the spectrum. Will there be any supplements that round up those races left behind (like Palantor)?

  • I cant say for sure... I mostly just follow where the creative winds blow me.

Q: Corporation logo names, I see often that they are changed like "Buying Your Future" instead of "Building Your Future". Is that work of Corporation itself or some kind of vandals?

  • The answer to this question was hidden in the Antagonist Archive :D
  • I'm particularly proud of this approach to the CORP logo :)

Q: In FE you made Biotech and Medicine separate Skills, while other RPGs (like Shadowrun) have combined them into one Skill, what was thereason for this? (To be clear, I love this choice as I often find the Biotech Skill to be disappointing in other RPGs).

  • This was done for 2 main reasons;
  • 1) To emphasize that biotech is a large and complex scientific and professional field in FE.
  • 2) Medics have LOTs to do in a combat based game, so I felt like what topics this Skill could cover should be spread out over a couple of skills.

Q Do you personally have answers to a lot of the questions you leave open in Empire? (What Xion is doing, what caused ley lines to form, etc.?).

  • Yes I do. But these ideas in my head are not cannon, as I want GMs and PCs to develop their own answers.

Q: Will we get more information on Psionics in the future?

  • The Protagonist Archive had a lot more info on Psionics, but I do feel like more could be written about it (along with other areas, like the Ley Lines, All-Being/Power and Jump Drives). Its always difficult to know how much space to give to each area.

Fragged Aeternum

Q: If you yourself lived in the FA setting: Yes/No/Maybe?

  • Oh... good question. I'm going to be a pain and not answer this one :P As I don't want to ruin the mystery by giving away my canonical thoughts.

Q: Do you have a stance of why souls go up/down in FA? And you just don't tell us for suspense reasons? Or is it ambiguous even in your own head?

  • Yes I have a well-developed thought processes behind this. But I'm never going to tell anyone, I have not even told anyone on my writing team.
  • I also think its more fun to leave this giant question unanswered, and it also allows GMs and PCs to develop their own theories.

Q: If you one day woke up in Aeternum for no explicit reason, how long would you last and what would be your cause of death?

  • I suspect I would be dead in a few years if I was unable to adapt.
  • I would most likely die of starvation and sickness.

Q: If you were a Tethered in Aeternum, what Nature would you have?

  • I think I would be a Pious or Shrewd.

Q: Is there an official ruling on the fan-canon that Aeternum is a corrupted Palantor server?

  • Aeternum is its own universe.

Fragged Kingdom

Q: Does the new FK guide to magic and/or new weapons/variations delve into more "traditional" sorts of magic, or does the game continue to focus on the more Science Fantasy types from the main FK book?

  • FK magic system is not like traditional fantasy magic (except maybe All-Power magic). So I dont want to change that trend.
  • If your looking to insert more traditional magic into your FK game, you should check out my Classic Races and Magic PDF.

Q: Does the new FK guide to magic touch on larger-scale ritual-type magic? The sort of thing that a group of magic users might collaborate on to create a major effect, for example?

  • Not a great deal... but I think this could be a good idea. I will give it some thought.

Q: Fragged Kingdom goes even further with the "no humans" idea of Empire, with no ancient humans or Corp equivalent. Do you think this allows you more possibilities in developing the setting, when you're not bound by making a "default" race?

  • I've never really seen the Corp as the default race, but I get what you mean.
  • As nearly all RPGers have played in a fantasy game before I think there is less of a need for a 'default' middle of the road race. And this is especially true for those who come from FE.
  • I also think it opens up the doors for some interesting world building potential, as no 'default' race also means that no old kingdom was the bland 'default' kingdom.

Development/Creative Process

Q. How/why did you make Rachel Swagger your mascot?

  • I did not set out to develop a figure head character for Fragged, it just kind of happened by accident.
  • I fell in love with the short stories that included Rachel, and she just seemed to be the perfect fit; as not only was she very likeable and relatable, she was also one of Fragged's most interesting races.

Q: Why choose a non-linear classless system? Were there concepts that had to be let go because of that choice?

  • I never grew up playing class-based RPGs, as they always felt constraining to my personality.
  • And as I did not grow up playing class based games I never felt like I was 'letting something go' because of that design choice. But I would have felt this way if I did make a class based game.

Q: How did you decide which skills to include in your games?

  • The PC Skill list is one of the very first things I design when I make a new setting. As this sets out the spectrum of experiences that I am expecting GMs and PCs to interact with within the setting.

Q: What RPG systems do you use as inspiration for your settings or mechanics?

  • I always find these types of questions difficult to answer.
  • I draw most of my inspiration from sources outside the world of ttRPGs scene... which has both benefits and disadvantages. It means my ideas have the potential to be a little more fresh, but I'm simultaneously running the risk of repeating design flaws that have been solved in other ttRPGs many years ago.
  • Also... my use of 3d6 and Classless Characters comes from the Hero System (which was the system that I primarily played through my teens).

Q: How do you balance your traits/weapons and stuff? Do you have a process, or do you just feel it with your intuition?

  • I bit of both.
  • Intuition is a great way to gauge if something is fun and intuitive to use, but crunching numbers and drawing up probability graphs help to make things feel satisfying over a long time.
  • I also try to make every mechanical choice meaningful and fresh. This is why so many Traits and Weapons have unique mechanics (even if it is small) that are not repeated in other options.

Q: Some RPGs have a concept of white space. Some things (certain places, persons or even gods) that get mentioned in the rulebook, but will explicitly never get officially fleshed out, so that players have the chance to do so (without risking getting "contradicted" by a future official publication). What do you think about that from a design perspective and do you think about doing this in your books?

  • Yes, yes and hell yes! Fragged has always embraced this as an idea.
  • It is also something that I'm trying to be more obvious about; I'm trying to tell GMs directly that idea or location X will never be written about in a future book, make it your own!

Q: What do you think was your greatest motivation for creating & releasing Fragged in the currently glutted market for ttRPGs? Was it just the desire to see your IP out in the world, or was there more to it?

  • I usually just describe myself as a 'GM who got carried away'.
  • I love to create and I felt like so many products that were coming out were bland relaunches of old games or licensed IPs. These are not bad things... but there is something fresh and exciting about experience a new IP (even if it is not as well fleshed out as you would like).

Q: Do you think being Australian based has had an effect on your sales (either positive or negative)?

  • A bit of both.
  • We Aussies know that not a lot of things get made here, so we're very keen to support Australian made products. But we do have a vastly smaller population, and this does limit sales potential.
  • Fragged would not be possible without the internet, Kickstarter and international warehouses.

Future Products

Q: Is there any IP you would love to make into a Fragged book?

  • No existing IP (as I don't like to license IPs)... but I would LOVE to create a super hero or cyberpunk setting in the future (and I will most likely make the former).

Q: Publishing more Fragged settings possibly expands the fragged playerbase, but it also risks fracturizing it more. There are 5 settings now (including Dieselpunk Mecha). What are your thoughts on this?

  • Good question.
  • I think it has been a good thing. Most people in my experience will come to a new ttRPG because they like the setting, and people tend to like specific settings. By having more settings I have been able to attract more players, and then move them sideways to new settings (once a person knows a rule system they find it very easy to change settings).
  • Learning new rules is a much larger barrier than learning new settings IMO.
  • BUT... I may be wrong on all this, I'm just kinda winging it and creating things that I'm passionate about.

Q: Do you think you'll continue to create pre-written adventure modules for Fragged?

  • This is a difficult question.
  • In the short term I am unlikely to produce many more pre-written adventures for Fragged as only a small % of the players base will purchase them.
  • Ideally I would create lots of cheaply produced adventures... but this goes against my nature and my need to make high quality products.
  • But I do want to put more work into creating effective introduction adventures for each of my settings, as these are a great way to gently introduce new GMs and PCs. I have the free Ghost Ship Carthage adventure for FE and Endless Depths for FA (I am especially proud of both of these adventures) ... but I still want to produce at least 1 for each of my settings, especially FK.

Q: In regards to license rights, will any future license include rights for software or web applications that enhance playability across digital platforms, like character builders, weapon creators, so on and so forth?

  • This is very unlikely, as this would be creating a competing product to my books and they would be very costly and difficult to maintain... hell, even Wizards of the Coast struggled with this and Hasbro earns billions of dollars :P
  • A simple automated character sheet or roll calculator would be fine, but not something that includes a list of Trait abilities and Weapon stats.

Q: Have you ever thought about creating a guide for GM to create new custom races?

  • I'm unlikely to make an official guide, but I did make this one up a couple of years ago: Reddit Link.

Q: Do you plan to explore other medias with your Fragged IPs ? The short stories are always really well written, I'd love a full size novel or a video game in your universe.

  • Your going to LOVE my Stretch Goals!
  • If your a huge fan of Stuarts writing (my lead Fragged short story writer), maybe check out his Fragged Short Stories PDF... and maybe hound him to make a Fragged novel :D
  • I have talked to some computer game developers and publishers, but this is a LONG shot and will require some serious money. But I do hope to one day have CD Project Red make us a Fragged game ;)

Q: Do you plan on releasing minis for all of the non-Empire settings?

  • Yes.
  • I have some 3d models all lined up for FK and FA, I just need to find a manufacturer (which I'm working on).


Q: Who would win a fight between a Tasmanian Devil or an Emu?

  • Emu, no contest.

Q: Will you allow for Aussie pickup of the books at conventions, eg. PAXAus, ConQuest?

  • Yes, but it will all depend on when the books arrive to me. But once they arrive I will organise a location for people to pick them up early in-person (most likely at a nearby Game Store or at a convention).

Q: What's your thoughts on D&D?

  • Big question.
  • From a business/hobby enthusiast perspective I am a HUGE fan of D&D. They do a great job of bringing people into the hobby and teaching them how to be a GM (DM) and PC.
  • Fragged's target market is 'people who have played D&D and are looking for something new.'

Q: What's the most ridiculous weapon you've seen anyone build in any Fragged game?

  • A giant acid spitting tentacle toad.

Q. Do you have any homebrew rules that are not in the fragged rulebooks that you use in your own games at your table?

  • Not really... most of my homebrew rules end up in the FE: HACKED PDF.

Q: Having at your disposal all the Traits can be overwhelming. Have you ever thought of giving some starting templates like THE SNIPER or THE WARRIOR?

  • Yes this is a good idea.
  • One day (probably when I eventually do a 2nd Edition) I hope to make a New Player Booklet that includes a simple introduction adventure and some pre-selected paths of progression (that give a list of Trait and Weapon choices that follow an archetype).

Q: Can we have a pronunciation guide for some of the less obvious races/words?

  • I'm not sure I'm pronouncing my own word correctly!
  • X'ion = X-E-On.
  • Zhou = Z-Owe.
  • Kaltoran = Kal-Tor-An.
  • Mishpahca = YouTube video.

New Weapons, Misc Items, Utility Items, Rituals, Etc...
over 2 years ago – Tue, Jul 16, 2019 at 01:41:34 PM

G'day all.

Sorry for the late update, I've had a hectic weekend (family visiting me, computer issues, etc...), but I am now back on track. Its also great to see that we have hit 90% funded! For this update I want to give you all a small taste of the massive amount of extra Weapon and Misc options that will be included in these new books. While I wont be covering everything, I will be pulling out a few of my favorite examples to demonstrate my thought process.

Fragged Kingdom

FK is getting LOTs (11) of new base Weapon options that will help to round out PC/GM choices, and mix things up a bit for both low and high Level characters. While I am very happy with the core FK Weapon list, I was finding that a few character concepts were difficult to create.

  • Axes were a particularly difficult weapon for some people, as they came with -1d6 Hit and Strong Hit (5-6). This required people to have a very good understanding of the rules if they wanted to get the most out of these Weapons.  The new Military Axe functions in a very similar way to other FK Weapons while still maintaining the 'hard to hit, great Strong Hit' feel of the axe.
  • I've also included a range of alternative 'low Ideal Range' Ranged Weapons for people who might be looking for an alternative to the medium-long ranged Bows. I think people will find the Sling an especially fun Weapon at low levels as it comes with the Weapon Type: Hammer.

I've also added in LOTs (33) of new magic Variations. These will be great for GMs when they're creating unique monsters for the PCs to fight, and for PCs to make their favorite Weapons a little more special.

  • Incendiary Oil is a favorite of mine. It covers targets in oil that grants the next Energy Attack against them Splash +1 and +1 Crit Dmg (Stacks up to twice). I think this is a great Alchemy Variation that not only encourages teamwork, but also amplifies the feeling that Alchemists like to mix multiple potions together to get a powerful outcome.
  • I've also added a bunch of Wyld Variations that grant allies buffs (empowering attacks, temporary carapace, etc...). These Variations will be mostly used by NPCs, and I think they will do a great job of showing that Druidic magic is about growth, mutation and minions.

I'm especially proud of the new FK Utility Items. Granted, most of these are not actuality 'items', but special skills that a PC has learned.

  •  I've included a range of new 'tactically themed' options for warrior characters; such as banners that can be planted to boost allies, various horns that can be used to buff allies or debuff enemies, or pure abilities that can boost nearby friends.
  • The Lightning Potion is one of my favorite new potions. Its a very simple item that allows a person to instantly move 6 spaces, and is sure to add a lot of fun to a game by allowing a character to zip across a battlemap at a key moment.

Fragged Aeternum

FA is only getting 1 new base Weapon (the Bombard Ranged) and 2 new Variations (Whip and Spell Focus) as I feel like the core set of FA Weapons covers just about everything that I want it to.

  • The Bombard Weapon will act a little like a ranged Heavy Weapon, with Crit 5 if the Attacker uses the Unleash Action.
  • The Whip is a low damage Weapon, but it comes with Strong Hit +1 and a long range; so its great for tricky attacks.
  • The Spell Focus Variation is almost exactly like the standard Spell Variation; but comes with a little extra To Hit and End Dmg, but does not reduced the required hands by 1. Ideal for pure spell casting characters.

Where FA is getting the largest boost in its PC options is in Arcane Variations (doubling the base amount) and Example Misc Items and Magic Rituals!

  • Many of these new Rituals only require a simple Think Action Skill Roll and are designed to be used mid-combat.

Fragged Empire

FE is not receiving any new base Weapons (apart from the new Minion Weapons) as most of its new PC options are in the new Colony Rules and Example Misc Items.

  • Many of these new Misc Items also count as Toolboxes; such as the 'Voice Box 'Charm 6000' Implant' that counts as a Conversation Toolbox, the 'C.U.R.E 'Confidence Capsules'' that can be taken up to 3 times and counts as a Leadership Toolbox, or the super-expensive (and trendy!) 'Octanto 'Cyber Groove' Shades' that count as an Awareness and Programming Toolbox :)
  • I've also included a range of Professional Skill Misc Items that amplify the abilities of specific Skills; such as the Kaltoran-staple of a 'Box of Quality Spare Parts, Mechanics', the iky 'FLESH Mask' that allows you to create a living mask of another character, or the 'Life Umbrella' that allows you to make a Planetoids Skill Roll to create an large stationary area of breathable atmosphere.
  • These new items are designed to inspire GMs to invent new technologies and items.

Last Thursday night I also had the joy of running a game of Fragged at my local game store. It was a great game with lots of laughs and funny moments. For one of my players this was also their very first RPG session :) And one of my players also brought along his 12 year old son (and he had a blast! I think he's already recruiting his friends to play Fragged).

Discord Server

Also, I just wanted to give our Discord Server another plug. This is a great place to meet other Fragged GMs and PCs, and the many members of the Fragged development team like to hang out there.

New GM/PC Guides for FA and FK (download PDFs now!) & Interview
over 2 years ago – Thu, Jul 11, 2019 at 10:26:39 PM

G'day all.

For this update I want to share my new GM/PC Guides for the FA: Greyburgh Market and FK: Arcane Bay books, and encourage you all to continue sharing the Kickstarter campaign with your communities :)

83% Funded!

We are now entering into our second week and steadily closing in on our campaign goal. While I know that we will be funded before the end (and that final 48 hours is going to be nuts!!), I am SUPER keen to break our target goal ASAP; as the size of the end of campaign pledge spike is always relative to the previous success of the campaign.

  • If you know of any Fragged players who are yet to pledge, please give them a friendly nudge from me :) This is a great opportunity for them to save some $$ (and grab those lucrative Reference PDFs for almost free).
  • If you are a part of any RPG communities (online, stores, clubs, etc...) please send them a link to the campaign.
  • If you know of any RPG Podcasters or Bloggers that might be interested in Fragged, feel free to send them my way (contact[at]
  • Liking and commenting on this KS page is also really helpful.

Ok, that's enough marketing talk, lets jump into some content!!!!

As 2 of these 3 new books are the very first expansions for Aeternum (FA) and Kingdom (FK), they will be playing a vital role in fleshing out the lore and the rules for those settings (a year and a half of community feedback and time for me to think things over helps a lot!!). A similar thing happened for Empire with the Protagonist Archive book; which I consider to be a 'must have' expansion to the Empire CRB. But this extra time has also helped me to understand what parts of the rules simply needed extra explanations to flesh them out their full potential - through the inclusion of various GM/PC Guides.

Feel free to download WIP PDFs these guides:

  • FA Guides - WIP
  • FK Guide - WIP

FK & FA: Magic Systems

Unlike FE, both FK and FA make use of a new Magic Skill Roll system that gives a great amount of narrative power to both PCs and GMs. In both of these new books I have gone to a lot of effort to flesh these out, giving an entire page to each type of magic + a full page introduction to the overall topic.

You will see from the linked PDFs that these help to not only make clear my intentions behind each of these magical frameworks, but they also help to give both GMs and PCs ideas about how they can be used. This is SUPER important for FA where every PC can use magic, but also for FK where there are 5 different magical fields.

FA: Tethered Natures

I also thought it would be a great idea to do full column write ups on each Tethered Nature for FA. These guides not only help to show that each Nature can be narrative expressed in many different ways (ie: a Ravenous Nature could be a; dedicated artifact collector, drunkard, ghoul, fear eating monster, or a hungry vampire), but they also help to show how each of these Natures fit into the Tethered Order (ie: the Tethered Order once had many Overlords when it was large and well-supplied, now there are very few).

FA: Suspense Rolls

Suspense Rolls can be tricky for some GMs to understand, as a Skill Roll system that punishes High Rolls can be counter intuitive to some (ie: it may be in your best interest to 'not' understand that Fiendish writing you are trying to read). For each type of Suspense (Clarity, Humanity, and Reality (with a small note on Traps)) I have given a full page of explanations and examples. I think GMs and PCs will find this SUPER helpful for not only understanding the rules, but it will also give them new ideas on how to spice up their game with a little more horror and drama.

FK: Holding Location

I've not yet decided on including this section in the FK book (as I am loathed to cut back on any of my existing planned content)... but I'm thinking about inserting a small section (maybe just 2 pages) on the effects of where PCs decide to establish their Holdings; not only on Attribute Maximums and Traits, but also on starting Production Trade Goods and adventure/game/quest ideas.

Do you think a small section like this be a good idea? If so, what content should it include?

Last week I had the privilege to be interviewed by Mitchell from Penny for a Tale. Mitch was super fun to talk with, and it was great to have so many Fragged fans asking questions in the Twitch chat!!


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